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Using Corner Radius Information To Go Faster

Speed is in mph and lateral acceleration is in g’s. Multiplying the speed (mph) by 1.46667 gets the speed in ft/s and multiplying the lateral g’s by 32.17405 gets the g forces in ft/s2. The radius of the corner then ends up being in ft. It is amazing how accurate this formula can be. In Exhibit 1 I used Google Earth to look at turn one at VIR and I drew a circle that has a radius of 122 ft.

How to Effectively Use a Simulator

Back close-up shot of a man playing car racing video game using steering wheel

With the winter months upon us now, a lot of racers turn to driving on their simulator to scratch that racing itch. This is great as long as the simulator is used in a manner that helps them and doesn’t enforce bad habits. One phrase that I picked up over this past year was: “A simulator is a great place to practice bad habits.” Here are some of the bad habits that I have seen driver’s reinforce when using a simulator.